About Us

About Us

Platinum Catering Palm Beach is a Kosher Catering Company located in Coconut Creek, FL.

We abide by all of the Kosher rules, including the following:

There are three groupings of Kosher foods: Meat, Dairy, and Pareve. Below, you will find the different classifications, and how your establishment can be categorized.

First, there is meat.

All meat, fowl, and byproducts like bones and gravy are considered meat. Even items like liver pills that contain meat or fowl byproducts are considered meat. Any items considered meat must meet the following criteria:

  • Meat must come from an animal that chews its cud and has split hooves. As an example, cows and sheep are kosher, but rabbits and fox are not.
  • Fowl is identified by a unanimously accepted tradition and include domesticated chickens, geese, ducks, Cornish hens, and turkeys. Species of fowl that are not allowed are notated in the Torah. They include scavenger and predatory birds.
  • All utensils used to slaughter the animals must be kosher.
  • Animal and fowl must be slaughtered precisely, and examined by a shochet. A shochet is well versed in the rituals that need to be abided by when it comes to kosher slaughtering.
  • Acceptable portions of the slaughtered animal must be soaked to remove any traces of blood before cooking.

Then there is dairy.

Foods that are created with or contain milk are considered dairy. Milk itself, yogurt, cream, cheese, and butter are included in this category. A trace amount of dairy also classifies to whole product as dairy.

Kosher dairy must meet the following conditions:

  • Kosher equipment must be used to produce, process, and package all dairy.
  • They must be derived from a kosher animal.
  • All ingredients included must be kosher and cannot contain any meat byproducts. Gelatin and traditional rennet cannot be sued in kosher dairy.

Lastly, is pareve.

If a food cannot be classified as meat or dairy, it is called pareve. Eggs, grains, fruits, pasta, soft drinks, coffee, candies, and vegetables fall into this category, along with many other items.

To be considered pareve, an item must meet the following criteria:

  • Fruits, grains, and vegetables must be inspected for small insects or larvae as they are not considered kosher.
  • Eggs must not have blood spots to be kosher.
  • If processed on equipment that is used for meat, dairy, or additives, the product is no longer pareve. Unless meat or meaty foods are certified pareve, cookies and chocolate cannot be processed with them.

A couple more things to consider…

  • Wine is never considered kosher unless produced by Torah-observant Jewish people.
  • On Passover, no leavened products or offshoots can be consumed.